Software Engineer

SafeBoda is a motorycle ridesharing company that is revolutionalizing transport in Africa. The app offers users with an option to request for a ride with fare estimates before hand. At the end of the trip, there's a summary of the trip with transparent pricing.

My Role

I was the mobile applications (iOS/Android) engineering team lead working hand in hand with the backend team. Architecting and implementing the Android and iOS applications. Setting up CI processes for the team.


Google Maps, Kotlin, Swift, Circle CI, Jenkins, Docker

SafeBoda app mock 1
SafeBoda app mock 2
Carledorian mock 1
Carledorian mock 2

Carledorian Cakes is a delicious cake company that allows customers to customize their cakes. It is based in Kampala, Uganda. The app offers users with the options of selecting flavours, extras and kilos and provides an estimate of the total cost of the cake before placing an order.

My Role

I was the sole software engineer in this project. It has Firebase integration serving as the backend. It doubles as the admin's dashboard to authorized users.


Kotlin, Firebase Realtime Database


I was a speaker at DroidconKe 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya. My presentation was on understanding your Android builds while working with the Gradle Build System.

I have given several talks at their events on Android Application development. I covered app architecture using MVP & MVVM Architecture, Dependency Injection using Dagger 2 and unit testing. I was an independent advocate for Kotlin language in Android app development.

I gave a tech talk on Working with Java and Kotlin to the Computer Science graduate students. The presentation involed live demos and sample code for Kotlin on the JVM and on Android.

I co-organized and taught in a Kotlin bootcamp, an 8-week free event hosted at SafeBoda offices Kampala, Uganda. The event was open to any person in the city interested in learning how to program in Kotlin. We had 90+ attendants.

Community coding

An Android app as an ADB Host implementation, written in Kotlin. The project uses USB-Host Mode apis available since Android 3.1. The project can be ran on any Android OS device that supports USB Host apis. I worked on the project using Android Things OS running on a Raspberry Pi 3. It is open-source on Github.
I used the project as a scaffolding of an internal dev team device test farm.

CladLight is a wearable gadget that ensures you're visible to other motorists while riding your bike day or night. I co-founded the startup where I worked as an Electronics Engineer. Check out the demo.